About us


Picture will be shown later

Michael Mährlein (chairman),

Katrin Habenicht (vice-chairwoman),

Birgitt Kopp (treasuress),

Matias Rajkay (secretary),

Dr. Klaus Kuhn (editor of our reports),

Carmen Liegl (committee member)



Contact addresses:



Michael Mährlein

0049-160-90 234 667




Katrin Habenicht



Our goals


The Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Schwaben belongs to the eldest societies of its kind in Bavaria, southern part of Germany. Through the scientific work of its members that lasts more than one and a half centuries, the society has played a major role in the enhancement of our knowledge about the nature of the Bavarian part of Swabia. In addition, it has focused very early (long before governmental trials were launched) on nature protection. A major goal must be to attract new members that will continue the 150 years old tradition of our society.

Today the society comprises around 450 members, including three honorary members as well as a honorary chairman. The board of directors consits of six people. The society also holds an advisory board that comprises experts from different scientific fields and is organized in six working groups: botany, ornithology, entomology, geology, nature conservation and nature photography.    




Our mission


From the very beginning the main task of the society is to investigate and describe the nature of the Bavarian part of Swabia. Through lectures, excursions and publications (“Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schwaben“) the most important scientific findings are conveyed to the interested population as well as to local and national authorities. Additionally, our publications are distributed to about 300 distinct partners consisting mainly of libraries within Germany and abroad. For decades the society plays an active role in nature conservation via practical landscape management and maintenace of biotopes. This is also complemented through participating in various advisory boards.

We support scientific research, the conservation of endangered species and their habitats. We are also engaged in the protection of the environment.

As far as the future is concerned, we keep holding on to the most important goals: (i) the investigation and protection of our local nature, (ii) as well as the education of the interested population.