The Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Schwaben (NWVS) publishes a report once a year. The report represents a collection of articles presenting the most important scientific findings by its members. Additionally, our society publishes also reports on special topics.


The society was founded as “Naturhistorischer Verein Augsburg“ in 1846. In 1886, the original name was replaced by its today’s name “Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Schwaben“. This is the reason why the nomenclature of the published reports changed accordingly. It is also worth to mention that during the first 100 years a report was not necessarily be published each year. This is especially true for the time during World War I and II. 



An overview of how the nomenclature changes over the years:


1 (1848) – 28 (1885) Berichte des Naturhistorischen Vereins in Augsburg
29 (1886) – 50 (1933) Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schwaben und Neuburg in Augsburg
51 (1936) Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schwaben (Heft 1)
52 (1940) – 53 (1941) Abhandlungen des Naturkunde- und Tiergartenvereins (Heft 2 – 3)
54 (1949) – 63 (1958) Abhandlungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schwaben in Augsburg (Heft 4-14)
64 (1960) – 83 (1979) Berichte des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schwaben (mit dem Obertitel „Aus der Schwäbischen Heimat“) ISSN 0340-3734
84 (1980) – 114 (2010) Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schwaben ISSN 0720-3705
außerdem erschienen:  
1933/34 Schwäbische Naturkunde 1


A bibliography of all articles published between 1846 and 1996 can be found in “150 Jahre Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Schwaben“ (ISBN: 3-922769-25-X). A second bibliography concerning all articles published between 1997 and 2006 is part of the report of 2007 (“Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schwaben“, 11. Band, pages 115-124, ISSN: 0720-3705).


A printed version of the report is sent to its members at the end of each year. It is free for members since the expenses are covered by the membership fee.


Some of the older reports are still available at the office of our society.


Editors of the reports:  Dr. Klaus Kuhn, Friedrich Seidler;


Here you can download older reports:


1. Bericht 1848


2. Bericht 1849


3. Bericht 1850


4. Bericht 1851

5. Bericht 1852


6. Bericht 1853


7. Bericht 1854


8. Bericht 1855


9. Bericht 1856


10. Bericht 1857


11. Bericht 1858


12. Bericht 1859


13. Bericht 1860


14. Bericht 1861


15. Bericht 1862


16. Bericht 1863

17. Bericht 1864


18. Bericht 1865


19.Bericht 1867


20. Bericht 1869


21. Bericht 1871/72


22. Bericht 1873/74


23. Bericht 1875/76

24. Bericht 1877/78


25. Bericht 1879

29. Bericht 1887


30. Bericht 1890


31. Bericht 1891


32. Bericht 1894

33. Bericht 1897


34. Bericht 1898


35. Bericht 1900


36. Bericht 1902


37. Bericht 1904


38. Bericht 1907


39. - 40. Bericht 1909


41. Bericht 1912


42. Bericht 1919 


43. Bericht 1924


44. Bericht 1926


45. Bericht 1927


46. Bericht 1928


47. Bericht 1929


48. Bericht 1930


49. Bericht 1931


50. Bericht 1933


Vol. 1935 - 1958

from Vol. 64 (1960) until now:

The Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Schwaben (NWVS) publishes a report once a year. The report represents a collection of articles presenting the most important scientific findings by its members. Additionally, our society publishes also reports on special topics.